Source code for haul.policy

import logging
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from enum import Enum, auto
from django.db.models import Model
from typing import Dict, Hashable, List, Sequence, Tuple, Type, Optional, Any, IO, Union
from typing_extensions import Literal
from .types import ID, Attachment, ObjectData
from ._util import get_model_options

logger = logging.getLogger('haul.policy')

RelinkReturnType = Union[Model, Literal[False]]

[docs]class ManyToManyImportAction(Enum): REPLACE = auto() APPEND = auto()
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class BaseRelinkAction: ''' Base class for new relink actions. Override :func:`execute` to return a list of relinked model instances, ``None`` or a literal ``False`` to discard the object. ''' fallback: Optional['BaseRelinkAction'] = None
[docs] def execute(self, model_cls: Type[Model], objects: List[ObjectData], policy: 'ImportPolicy') -> Sequence[Optional[RelinkReturnType]]: raise NotImplementedError
def _execute(self, model_cls: Type[Model], objects: List[ObjectData], policy: 'ImportPolicy') -> Sequence[RelinkReturnType]: instances = list(self.execute(model_cls, objects, policy)) if any(x is None for x in instances): fallback_objects, fallback_indices = zip(*[ (objects[i], i) for (i, x) in enumerate(instances) if x is None ]) if len(fallback_indices): if not self.fallback: raise RuntimeError(f'{self} failed to resolve some items and there was no fallback provided') logger.debug(f'Fallback to {self.fallback} for {len(fallback_objects)} objects') fallback_instances = self.fallback.execute(model_cls, fallback_objects, policy) # type: ignore for instance, index in zip(fallback_instances, fallback_indices): instances[index] = instance return instances # type: ignore
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class BaseRelinkActionWithFieldsOverwrite(BaseRelinkAction): ''' A base relink action class that automatically overwrites model fields set via :attr:`overwrite_fields`. ''' overwrite_fields: Tuple[str, ...] = tuple() def _execute(self, model_cls: Type[Model], objects: List[ObjectData], policy: 'ImportPolicy') -> Sequence[RelinkReturnType]: instances = super()._execute(model_cls, objects, policy) if self.overwrite_fields: for obj, instance in zip(objects, instances): if instance and instance is not False: assert obj.fields is not None if self.overwrite_fields == ('__all__',): fields = {k: v for k, v in obj.fields.items() if k not in ['pk', 'id']} else: fields = {k: v for k, v in obj.fields.items() if k in self.overwrite_fields} _assign_model_fields(instance, fields, policy) return instances
[docs]class RelinkAction:
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class LogToConsole(BaseRelinkAction): ''' A relink action that prints the objects and links them to ``None``. '''
[docs] def execute(self, model_cls: Type[Model], objects: List[ObjectData], policy: 'ImportPolicy') -> Sequence[Optional[RelinkReturnType]]: for obj in objects: assert obj.fields is not None'[{}] -> {model_cls(**obj.fields)}') return [None] * len(objects)
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class Create(BaseRelinkAction): ''' A relink action that unconditionally creates new objects. ''' #: A list of fields to ignore during import ignore_fields: Tuple[str, ...] = field(default_factory=tuple) def __post_init__(self): if not isinstance(self.ignore_fields, tuple): raise ValueError('ignore_fields must be a tuple')
[docs] def execute(self, model_cls: Type[Model], objects: List[ObjectData], policy: 'ImportPolicy') -> List[RelinkReturnType]: fieldsets = [ {k: v for k, v in obj.fields.items() if k not in self.ignore_fields} for obj in objects if obj.fields ] if False: # TODO detect mysql instances = model_cls.objects.bulk_create([ model_cls(**_get_non_x2m_fields(model_cls, fields)) for fields in fieldsets ]) else: instances = [ model_cls.objects.create(**_get_non_x2m_fields(model_cls, fields)) for fields in fieldsets ] for instance, fields in zip(instances, fieldsets): _assign_model_fields(instance, fields, policy) return instances
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class Discard(BaseRelinkAction): ''' A relink action that unconditionally discards all objects. '''
[docs] def execute(self, _model_cls, objects: List[ObjectData], policy: 'ImportPolicy') -> Sequence[Optional[RelinkReturnType]]: return [False] * len(objects)
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class LinkByFields(BaseRelinkActionWithFieldsOverwrite): ''' A relink action that tries to look up existing objects by a set of fields. ''' #: A list of fields to use to look up existing objects lookup_fields: Tuple[str, ...] = field(default_factory=tuple) def __post_init__(self): if not isinstance(self.lookup_fields, tuple): raise ValueError('lookup_fields must be a tuple') if not len(self.lookup_fields): raise ValueError('lookup_fields must be set') if not isinstance(self.overwrite_fields, tuple): raise ValueError('overwrite_fields must be a tuple')
[docs] def execute(self, model_cls: Type[Model], objects: List[ObjectData], policy: 'ImportPolicy') -> Sequence[Optional[RelinkReturnType]]: search_cache = {} instances = [] for obj in objects: assert obj.fields is not None values = tuple(obj.fields.get(k) for k in self.lookup_fields) if values not in search_cache: query = dict(zip(self.lookup_fields, values)) found = model_cls.objects.filter(**query).first() search_cache[values] = found instances.append(search_cache.get(values)) return instances
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class LinkByPK(BaseRelinkActionWithFieldsOverwrite): ''' A relink action that tries to map objects by their literal PK value. This only works if the PKs are same in the source and destination databases. ''' def __post_init__(self): if not isinstance(self.overwrite_fields, tuple): raise ValueError('overwrite_fields must be a tuple')
[docs] def execute(self, model_cls: Type[Model], objects: List[ObjectData], policy: 'ImportPolicy') -> List[Optional[RelinkReturnType]]: pks = [ for obj in objects] search_cache = { x for x in model_cls.objects.filter(pk__in=pks) } return [ search_cache.get( for obj in objects ]
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class LinkToInstance(BaseRelinkActionWithFieldsOverwrite): ''' A relink action that links the object to a specific existing object. ''' #: PK of the existing object to link to pk: Hashable = None def __post_init__(self): if not raise ValueError('pk must be set')
[docs] def execute(self, model_cls: Type[Model], objects: List[ObjectData], policy: 'ImportPolicy') -> Sequence[RelinkReturnType]: instance = model_cls.objects.get( return [instance] * len(objects)
[docs]class ImportPolicy: ''' A behaviour class that defines how to handle objects during import. Override its methods and pass it to :class:`ImportContainer` to customize the behaviour. '''
[docs] def preprocess_object_fields(self, model_cls: Type[Model], fields: Dict[str, Any]): ''' Called after objects have been deserialized. You can modify the ``fields`` dict in place here. '''
[docs] def postprocess_object_fields(self, model_cls: Type[Model], fields: Dict[str, Any]): ''' Called after :func:`relink_object` and before the relink actions have been applied. You can modify the ``fields`` dict in place here. '''
[docs] def process_many_to_many(self, instance: Model, field: str) -> ManyToManyImportAction: ''' Called for each M2M relation on a model. You can either return a ``ManyToManyImportAction.REPLACE`` or ``ManyToManyImportAction.APPEND`` here. The default is ``REPLACE``. ''' return ManyToManyImportAction.REPLACE
[docs] def process_attachment(self, instance: Model, key: Any, stream: IO[bytes]): ''' Called for each attachment on a model. This is where you read and process the attachment contents. Note that the stream is not guaranteed to be open after this method exits and is guaranteed to be closed once the :func:`ImportContainer.import` context exits. ''' raise NotImplementedError('Attachments found but process_attachment is not implemented in the import policy')
[docs] def post_object_import(self, instance: Model): pass
[docs]class ExportPolicy: ''' A behaviour class that defines how to handle objects during export. '''
[docs] def get_attachments(self, instance: Model) -> List[Attachment]: ''' Override to add file or stream based attachments to an object. See :class:`Attachment`. ''' return []
[docs] def should_export_object(self, instance: Model): ''' Override to additionally filter objects during export. ''' return True
[docs] def should_follow_reference(self, instance: Model, target: ID, field: str): ''' Override to additionally filter FK references during export. ''' return True
# def postprocess_object(self, instance: Model, data: Mapping[str, Any]): def _get_non_x2m_fields(model_cls: Type[Model], fields: Dict[str, Any]): model_meta = get_model_options(model_cls) return { k: v for k, v in fields.items() if not model_meta.get_field(k).many_to_many and not model_meta.get_field(k).one_to_many } def _assign_model_fields(instance: Model, fields: Dict[str, Any], policy: ImportPolicy): model_meta = get_model_options(instance.__class__) for key, value in fields.items(): field_meta = model_meta.get_field(key) if field_meta.many_to_many: action = policy.process_many_to_many(instance, key) if action == ManyToManyImportAction.REPLACE: getattr(instance, key).set(value) else: for obj in value: getattr(instance, key).add(obj) elif field_meta.one_to_many: # We don't need to actually *set* the field pass else: setattr(instance, key, value)